.. _installation: ************ Installation ************ Stork can be installed from pre-built packages or from sources. The following sections describe both methods. Prerequisites ============= ``Stork Server`` and ``Stork Agent`` have been tested thoroughly on the Ubuntu 18.04 system. They have been tested and run on the Fedora 31 system as well. The ``Stork Agent`` does not require any specific dependencies to run. It can be run immediately after installation. Stork uses the `status-get` command to communicate with Kea, and therefore will only work with a version of Kea that supports `status'get`. The `status-get` command was introduced in Kea 1.7.3. At this time, Stork works with Kea version 1.7.3 and later versions only, although we intend to backport the `status-get` command to Kea 1.6.3. Stork requires the premium Host Commands hook library to retrieve host reservations stored in an external database. Stork can retrieve host reservations stored locally in the Kea configuration without any additional hook libraries. For the ``Stork Server``, a PostgreSQL database (https://www.postgresql.org/) version 11 or later is required. The general installation procedure for PostgreSQL is OS-specific and is not included here. However, please keep in mind that Stork uses pgcrypto extensions, which are often coming in a separate package. For example, you need postgresql-crypto package on Fedora and postgresql12-contrib on RHEL and CentOS. These instructions prepare a database for use with the ``Stork Server``, with the `stork` database user and `stork` password. Next, a database called `stork` is created and the `pgcrypto` extension is enabled in the database. First, connect to PostgreSQL using `psql` and the `postgres` administration user. Depending on your system configuration, this may require switching to `postgres` user, using `su postgres` command first. .. code-block:: console $ psql postgres psql (11.5) Type "help" for help. postgres=# Then, prepare the database: .. code-block:: psql postgres=# CREATE USER stork WITH PASSWORD 'stork'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE DATABASE stork; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE stork TO stork; GRANT postgres=# \c stork You are now connected to database "stork" as user "thomson". stork=# create extension pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION .. note:: Make sure the actual password is stronger than 'stork' which is trivial to guess. Using default passwords is a security risk. Installing from Packages ======================== Stork packages are stored in repositories located on the Cloudsmith service: https://cloudsmith.io/~isc/repos/stork/packages/. Both Debian/Ubuntu and RPM packages may be found there. Detailed instructions for setting up the operating system to use this repository are available under the `Set Me Up` button on the Cloudsmith repository page. Installing on Debian/Ubuntu --------------------------- The first step for both Debian and Ubuntu is: .. code-block:: console $ curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/isc/stork/cfg/setup/bash.deb.sh' | sudo bash Next, install the package with ``Stork Server``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install isc-stork-server Then, install ``Stork Agent``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install isc-stork-agent It is possible to install both agent and server on the same machine. Installing on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora -------------------------------- The first step for RPM-based distributions is: .. code-block:: console $ curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/isc/stork/cfg/setup/bash.rpm.sh' | sudo bash Next, install the package with ``Stork Server``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo dnf install isc-stork-server Then, install ``Stork Agent``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo dnf install isc-stork-agent It is possible to install both agent and server on the same machine. Initial Setup of the Stork Server --------------------------------- These steps are the same for both Debian-based and RPM-based distributions that use `SystemD`. After installing ``Stork Server`` from the package, the basic settings must be configured. They are stored in ``/etc/stork/server.env``. These are the required settings to connect with the database: * STORK_DATABASE_HOST - the address of a PostgreSQL database; default is `localhost` * STORK_DATABASE_PORT - the port of a PostgreSQL database; default is `5432` * STORK_DATABASE_NAME - the name of a database; default is `stork` * STORK_DATABASE_USER_NAME - the username for connecting to the database; default is `stork` * STORK_DATABASE_PASSWORD - the password for the username connecting to the database With those settings in place, the ``Stork Server`` service can be enabled and started: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl enable isc-stork-server $ sudo systemctl start isc-stork-server To check the status: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl status isc-stork-server By default, the ``Stork Server`` web service is exposed on port 8080, so it can be visited in a web browser at http://localhost:8080. It is possible to put ``Stork Server`` behind an HTTP reverse proxy using `Nginx` or `Apache`. In the ``Stork Server`` package an example configuration file is provided for `Nginx`, in `/usr/share/stork/examples/nginx-stork.conf`. Initial Setup of the Stork Agent -------------------------------- These steps are the same for both Debian-based and RPM-based distributions that use `SystemD`. After installing ``Stork Agent`` from the package, the basic settings must be configured. They are stored in ``/etc/stork/agent.env``. These are the required settings to connect with the database: * STORK_AGENT_ADDRESS - the IP address of the network interface which ``Stork Agent`` should use for listening for ``Stork Server`` incoming connections; default is `` (i.e. listen on all interfaces) * STORK_AGENT_PORT - the port that should be used for listening; default is `8080` With those settings in place, the ``Stork Agent`` service can be enabled and started: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl enable isc-stork-server $ sudo systemctl start isc-stork-server To check the status: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl status isc-stork-server After starting, the agent periodically tries to detect installed Kea DHCP or BIND 9 services on the system. If it finds them, they are reported to the ``Stork Server`` when it connects to the agent. Further configuration and usage of the ``Stork Server`` and the ``Stork Agent`` are described in the :ref:`usage` chapter. .. _installation_sources: Installing from Sources ======================= Prerequisites ------------- ``Stork`` sources can be built on Ubuntu 18.04 and Fedora 31. There are two dependencies that need to be installed to build ``Stork`` sources: - Rake - Java Runtime Environment Other dependencies are installed locally and automatically by Rake tasks. For details about the environment, please see the Stork wiki at https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork/wikis/Development-Environment. Download Sources ---------------- The Stork sources are available on the ISC GitLab instance: https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork. To get the latest sources invoke: .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork Building -------- There are several components of ``Stork``: - ``Stork Agent`` - this is the binary `stork-agent`, written in Go - ``Stork Server`` - this is comprised of two parts: - `backend service` - written in Go - `frontend` - an `Angular` application written in Typescript All components can be built using the following command: .. code-block:: console $ rake build_all The agent component is installed using this command: .. code-block:: console $ rake install_agent and the server component with this command: .. code-block:: console $ rake install_server By default, all components are installed to the `root` folder in the current directory; however, this is not useful for installation in a production environment. It can be customized via the ``DESTDIR`` variable, e.g.: .. code-block:: console $ sudo rake install_server DESTDIR=/usr