stork-db-migrate - The Stork database migration tool


stork-db-migrate [options] command


The stork-db-migrate is an optional tool that assists the database schema migrations. Usually, there is no need to use this tool, as Stork server always runs the migration scripts on startup. However, it may be useful for debugging and manual migrations.


The Stork DB migration tools takes the following commands:

Available commands:

down Revert last migration

init Create schema versioning table in the database

reset Revert all migrations

set_version Set database version without running migrations

up Run all available migrations

version Print current migration version

Application Options:

-d, --db-name=
the name of the database to connect to (default: stork) [$STORK_DATABASE_NAME]
-u, --db-user=
the user name to be used for database connections (default: stork) [$STORK_DATABASE_USER_NAME]
the name of the host where database is available (default: localhost) [$STORK_DATABASE_HOST]
-p, --db-port=
the port on which the database is available (default: 5432) [$STORK_DATABASE_PORT]
enable tracing SQL queries [$STORK_DATABASE_TRACE]
-h, --help
show help message

Note there is no argument for database password, as the command line arguments can sometimes be seen by other users. You can pass it using STORK_DATABASE_PASSWORD variable.

Mailing Lists and Support

There are public mailing lists available for the Stork project. stork-users (stork-users at is intended for Stork users. stork-dev (stork-dev at is intended for Stork developers, prospective contributors, and other advanced users. The lists are available at The community provides best-effort support on both of those lists.

Once stork will become more mature, ISC will be providing professional support for Stork services.


The stork-db-migrate was first coded in October 2019 by Marcin Siodelski.

See Also

stork-agent(8), stork-server(8)