.. Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. .. _man-stork-tool: stork-tool - A tool for managing Stork Server --------------------------------------------- Synopsis ~~~~~~~~ :program:`stork-tool [global options] command [command options]` Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``stork-tool`` operates in two areas: - Certificates Management - it allows for exporting Stork Server keys, certificates and token that are used for securing communication between Stork Server and Stork Agents - Database Migration - it allows for performing database schema migrations, overwriting db schema version and getting its current value; usually, there is no need to use this area, as the Stork server always runs the migration scripts on startup Certificates Management ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``stork-tool`` offers the following commands: - ``cert-export`` Export certificate or other secret data Options specific to ``cert-export`` command: ``-f``, ``--object=`` the object to dump, it can be one of ``cakey``, ``cacert``, ``srvkey``, ``srvcert``, ``srvtkn``. [$STORK_TOOL_CERT_OBJECT] ``-o``, ``--file=`` the file location where the object should be saved. [$STORK_TOOL_CERT_FILE] Examples ........ Print CA key in the console: .. code-block:: console $ stork-tool cert-export --db-url postgresql://user:pass@localhost/dbname -f cakey INFO[2021-05-25 12:36:07] connection.go:59 checking connection to database INFO[2021-05-25 12:36:07] certs.go:225 CA key: -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQghrTv9SVZ/hv0xSM+ jvUk+VehIcf1tD/yMfAF4IiVXaahRANCAATgene6dVwo1xCmYjMKYxSrxgOWRm2G R5X1x72axq2cAhCFm7EpD88oYZ3EBdoXmG9fihV5ZGtfFkSpIdzCNPQI -----END PRIVATE KEY----- Export server certificate to a file: .. code-block:: console $ stork-tool cert-export --db-url postgresql://user:pass@localhost/dbname -f srvcert -o srv-cert.pem INFO[2021-05-25 12:36:46] connection.go:59 checking connection to database INFO[2021-05-25 12:36:46] certs.go:221 server cert saved to file: srv-cert.pem Database Migration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``stork-tool`` offers the following commands: - ``db-init`` Create schema versioning table in the database - ``db-up`` Run all available migrations (or use -t to migrate to a specific version) - ``db-down`` Revert last migration (or use -t to migrate to a specific version) - ``db-reset`` Revert all migrations - ``db-version`` Print current migration version - ``db-set-version`` Set database version without running migrations Options specific to ``db-up``, ``db-down`` and ``db-set-version`` commands: ``-t``, ``--version=`` target database schema version. (default: stork) [$STORK_TOOL_DB_VERSION] Examples ........ Initialize database schema: .. code-block:: console $ STORK_TOOL_DB_PASSWORD=pass stork-tool db-init -u user -d dbname INFO[2021-05-25 12:30:53] connection.go:59 checking connection to database INFO[2021-05-25 12:30:53] main.go:100 Database version is 0 (new version 33 available) Overwrite the current schema version to an arbitrary value: .. code-block:: console $ STORK_TOOL_DB_PASSWORD=pass stork-tool db-set-version -u user -d dbname -t 42 INFO[2021-05-25 12:31:30] main.go:77 Requested setting version to 42 INFO[2021-05-25 12:31:30] connection.go:59 checking connection to database INFO[2021-05-25 12:31:30] main.go:94 Migrated database from version 0 to 42 Common Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Options common for db-* and cert-* commands: ``--db-url=`` the URL to locate Stork PostgreSQL database. [$STORK_TOOL_DB_URL] ``-u``, ``--db-user=`` the user name to be used for database connections. (default: stork) [$STORK_TOOL_DB_USER] ``--db-password=`` the database password to be used for database connections. [$STORK_TOOL_DB_PASSWORD] ``--db-host=`` the name of the host where the database is available. (default: localhost) [$STORK_TOOL_DB_HOST] ``-p``, ``--db-port=`` the port on which the database is available. (default: 5432) [$STORK_TOOL_DB_PORT] ``-d``, ``--db-name=`` the name of the database to connect to. (default: stork) [$STORK_TOOL_DB_NAME] ``--db-trace-queries=`` enable tracing SQL queries: "run" - only runtime, without migrations, "all" - migrations and run-time. [$STORK_TOOL_DB_TRACE_QUERIES] ``-h``, ``--help`` show help message Note that there is no argument for the database password, as the command-line arguments can sometimes be seen by other users. It can be passed using the STORK_TOOL_DB_PASSWORD variable. Mailing Lists and Support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are public mailing lists available for the Stork project. **stork-users** (stork-users at lists.isc.org) is intended for Stork users. **stork-dev** (stork-dev at lists.isc.org) is intended for Stork developers, prospective contributors, and other advanced users. The lists are available at https://lists.isc.org. The community provides best-effort support on both of those lists. Once stork becomes more mature, ISC will provide professional support for Stork services. History ~~~~~~~ The ``stork-tool`` tool was first coded in October 2019 by Marcin Siodelski. That time it was called ``stork-db-migrate``. In 2021 it was refactored to ``stork-tool`` and commands for Certificates Management were added by Michal Nowikowski. See Also ~~~~~~~~ :manpage:`stork-agent(8)`, :manpage:`stork-server(8)`