.. _installation: ****************** Stork Installation ****************** Stork is in its very early stages of development. As such, it is currently only supported on Ubuntu 18.04. It is likely that the code would work on many other systems, but for the time being we want to focus on the core development, rather than portability issues. There are several dependencies that needs to be installed: - rake - Java Runtime Environment - Docker and Docker Compose (when installing using Docker) For details, please see Stork wiki https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork/wikis/Development-Environment . Note the Stork project is in very early stages and its building instructions change frequently. Please refer to the wiki page in case of problems. For ease of deployment, Stork uses Rake to automate compilation and installation. It facilitates installation both using Docker and without Docker (see the following sections). Installation using Docker ========================= The following command will retrieve all required software (go, goswagger, nodejs, Angular dependencies, etc.) to your local directory. No root password necessary. Note that Docker installation is optional. Using docker is the easiest installation method. However, if you prefer to install it on your host, see the next section about Native installation. .. code-block:: console # Prepare docker images and start them up rake docker_up Once the build process finishes, Stork UI will be available at http://localhost:8080/. Use any browser to connect. .. note:: The installation procedure will create 3 Docker images: `stork_webui`, `stork_server` and `postgres`. The PostgreSQL database schema will be automatically migrated to the latest version required by the Stork server process. If you run unit-tests, also `stork-ui-pgsql` image will be created. The installation procedure assumes those images are fully under Stork control. If there are existing images, they will be overwritten. There are several other rake targets. For a complete list of available tasks, use `rake -T`. Also see `wiki `_ for detailed build instructions. Native Installation =================== The following steps will install Stork and its dependencies natively, i.e. on the host machine rather than using Docker images. First, you need to install PostgreSQL. This is OS specific. Please follow up the instructions for your system. .. code-block:: console $ psql postgres psql (11.5) Type "help" for help. postgres=# CREATE USER stork WITH PASSWORD 'stork'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE DATABASE stork; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE stork TO stork; GRANT postgres=# \c stork You are now connected to database "stork" as user "thomson". stork=# create extension pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION Optional step: if you want to initialize the database on your own, you need to build the migrations and use it to initialize and upgrade the DB to the latest schema. However, this is completely optional as the database migration will be triggered automatically upon the server startup. This is only useful if for some reason you want to set up the database, but don't want to run the server yet. In most cases this step can be skipped. .. code-block:: console $ rake build_migrations $ backend/cmd/stork-db-migrate/stork-db-migrate init $ backend/cmd/stork-db-migrate/stork-db-migrate up Now that you have the database environment set up, the next step is to build all the tools. Note the first command will download some missing dependencies needed and will install it in a local directory. This is done only once and is not needed for future rebuilds. However, it's safe to rerun the command. .. code-block:: console $ rake build_backend $ rake build_ui The environment should be ready to run! Open 3 consoles, and run the following 3 commands, one in each console: .. code-block:: console $ rake run_server $ rake serve_ui $ rake run_agent Once all three processes are running, go ahead and connect to http://localhost:4200 with your web browser. See :ref:`usage` for initial password information.