.. _devel: ***************** Developer's Guide ***************** .. note:: We acknowledge that users and developers are two different groups of people, so the documents should eventually be separated. However, since these are still very early days of the project, this section is kept in the Stork ARM for convenience only. Generating Documentation ======================== To generate documentation, simply type ``rake doc``. You need to have `Sphinx `_ and `rtd-theme `_ installed. The generated documentation will be available in the ``doc/singlehtml`` directory. Agent API ========= The connection between the server and the agents is established using gRPC over http/2. The agent API definition is kept in the ``backend/api/agent.proto`` file. For debugging purposes, it is possible to connect to the agent using `grpcurl `_ tool. For example, you can retrieve a list of currently provided gRPC calls by using this command: .. code:: console $ grpcurl -plaintext -proto backend/api/agent.proto localhost:8888 describe agentapi.Agent is a service: service Agent { rpc detectServices ( .agentapi.DetectServicesReq ) returns ( .agentapi.DetectServicesRsp ); rpc getState ( .agentapi.GetStateReq ) returns ( .agentapi.GetStateRsp ); rpc restartKea ( .agentapi.RestartKeaReq ) returns ( .agentapi.RestartKeaRsp ); } You can also make specific gRPC calls. For example, to get the machine state, the following command can be used: .. code:: console $ grpcurl -plaintext -proto backend/api/agent.proto localhost:8888 agentapi.Agent.getState { "agentVersion": "0.1.0", "hostname": "copernicus", "cpus": "8", "cpusLoad": "1.68 1.46 1.28", "memory": "16", "usedMemory": "59", "uptime": "2", "os": "darwin", "platform": "darwin", "platformFamily": "Standalone Workstation", "platformVersion": "10.14.6", "kernelVersion": "18.7.0", "kernelArch": "x86_64", "hostID": "c41337a1-0ec3-3896-a954-a1f85e849d53" } Installing git hooks ==================== There's a simple git hook that inserts the issue number in the commit message automatically. If you want to use it, go to ``utils`` directory and run ``git-hooks-install`` script. It will copy the necessary file to ``.git/hooks`` directory.