.. _installation: ************ Installation ************ Stork can be installed from pre-built packages or from sources. The following sections describe both methods. Prerequisites ============= ``Stork Server`` and ``Stork Agent`` have been tested thoroughly on the Ubuntu 18.04 system. They have been tested and run on the Fedora 31 system as well. The ``Stork Agent`` does not require any specific dependencies to run. It can be run immediately after installation. For the ``Stork Server``, a PostgreSQL database (https://www.postgresql.org/) using at least version 11 of PostgreSQL is required. (The installation procedure for PostgreSQL is OS-specific and is not included here.) These instructions prepare a database for use with the ``Stork Server``, with the `stork` database user and `stork` password. Next, a database called `stork` is created and the `pgcrypto` extension is enabled in the database. First, connect to PostgreSQL using `psql` and the `postgres` administration user: .. code-block:: console $ psql postgres psql (11.5) Type "help" for help. postgres=# Then, prepare the database: .. code-block:: psql postgres=# CREATE USER stork WITH PASSWORD 'stork'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE DATABASE stork; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE stork TO stork; GRANT postgres=# \c stork You are now connected to database "stork" as user "thomson". stork=# create extension pgcrypto; CREATE EXTENSION Installing from Packages ======================== Stork packages are stored in repositories located on the Cloudsmith service: https://cloudsmith.io/~isc/repos/stork/packages/. Both Debian/Ubuntu and RPM packages may be found there. Detailed instructions for setting up the operating system to use this repository are available under the `Set Me Up` button on the Cloudsmith repository page. Installing on Debian/Ubuntu --------------------------- The first step for both Debian and Ubuntu is: .. code-block:: console $ curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/isc/stork/cfg/setup/bash.deb.sh' | sudo bash Next, install the package with ``Stork Server``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install isc-stork-server Then, install ``Stork Agent``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install isc-stork-agent It is possible to install both agent and server on the same machine. Installing on CentOS/RHEL/Fedora -------------------------------- The first step for RPM-based distributions is: .. code-block:: console $ curl -1sLf 'https://dl.cloudsmith.io/public/isc/stork/cfg/setup/bash.rpm.sh' | sudo bash Next, install the package with ``Stork Server``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo dnf install isc-stork-server Then, install ``Stork Agent``: .. code-block:: console $ sudo dnf install isc-stork-agent It is possible to install both agent and server on the same machine. Initial Setup of the Stork Server --------------------------------- These steps are the same for both Debian-based and RPM-based distributions that use `SystemD`. After installing ``Stork Server`` from the package, the basic settings must be configured. They are stored in ``/etc/stork/server.env``. These are the required settings to connect with the database: * STORK_DATABASE_HOST - the address of a PostgreSQL database; default is `localhost` * STORK_DATABASE_PORT - the port of a PostgreSQL database; default is `5432` * STORK_DATABASE_NAME - the name of a database; default is `stork` * STORK_DATABASE_USER_NAME - the username for connecting to the database; default is `stork` * STORK_DATABASE_PASSWORD - the password for the username connecting to the database With those settings in place, the ``Stork Server`` service can be enabled and started: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl enable isc-stork-server $ sudo systemctl start isc-stork-server To check the status: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl status isc-stork-server By default, the ``Stork Server`` web service is exposed on port 8080, so it can be visited in a web browser at http://localhost:8080. It is possible to put ``Stork Server`` behind an HTTP reverse proxy using `Nginx` or `Apache`. In the ``Stork Server`` package an example configuration file is provided for `Nginx`, in `/usr/share/stork/examples/nginx-stork.conf`. Initial Setup of the Stork Agent -------------------------------- These steps are the same for both Debian-based and RPM-based distributions that use `SystemD`. After installing ``Stork Agent`` from the package, the basic settings must be configured. They are stored in ``/etc/stork/agent.env``. These are the required settings to connect with the database: * STORK_AGENT_ADDRESS - the IP address of the network interface which ``Stork Agent`` should use for listening for ``Stork Server`` incoming connections; default is `` (i.e. listen on all interfaces) * STORK_AGENT_PORT - the port that should be used for listening; default is `8080` With those settings in place, the ``Stork Agent`` service can be enabled and started: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl enable isc-stork-server $ sudo systemctl start isc-stork-server To check the status: .. code-block:: console $ sudo systemctl status isc-stork-server After starting, the agent periodically tries to detect installed Kea DHCP or BIND 9 services on the system. If it finds them, they are reported to the ``Stork Server`` when it connects to the agent. Further configuration and usage of the ``Stork Server`` and the ``Stork Agent`` are described in the :ref:`usage` chapter. .. _installation_sources: Installing from Sources ======================= Prerequisites ------------- ``Stork`` sources can be built on Ubuntu 18.04 and Fedora 31. There are two dependencies that need to be installed to build ``Stork`` sources: - Rake - Java Runtime Environment Other dependencies are installed locally and automatically by Rake tasks. For details about the environment, please see the Stork wiki at https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork/wikis/Development-Environment. Download Sources ---------------- The Stork sources are available on the ISC GitLab instance: https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork. To get the latest sources invoke: .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork Building -------- There are several components of ``Stork``: - ``Stork Agent`` - this is the binary `stork-agent`, written in Go - ``Stork Server`` - this is comprised of two parts: - `backend service` - written in Go - `frontend` - an `Angular` application written in Typescript All components can be built using the following command: .. code-block:: console $ rake build_all The agent component is installed using this command: .. code-block:: console $ rake install_agent and the server component with this command: .. code-block:: console $ rake install_server By default, all components are installed to the `root` folder in the current directory; however, this is not useful for installation in a production environment. It can be customized via the ``DESTDIR`` variable, e.g.: .. code-block:: console $ sudo rake install_server DESTDIR=/usr