.. figure:: static/stork-square-200px.png :align: right #################################### Stork Administrator Reference Manual #################################### ``Stork`` is an open source monitoring application and dashboard for `ISC Kea DHCP`, and eventually for `ISC BIND 9`. It is the spiritual successor of the earlier projects `Kittiwake` and `Anterius`. This is the reference guide for Stork version |release|. Links to the most up-to-date version of this document, along with other documents for Stork, can be found on ISC's `Stork project homepage `_ or at `Read the Docs `_ . .. toctree:: :numbered: :maxdepth: 5 overview install usage troubleshooting backend-api devel demo .. toctree:: :caption: Appendices :name: appendices :maxdepth: 1 manpages Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`